
The Reason I Write

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."
~Niel Gaiman~

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Post in which I "Remember My Favorite Things"

"When the dog bites, 
When the bee stings, 
When I'm feeling sad, 
I simply remember my favorite things, 
And then I don't feel so bad"

Yes, it is a bit random, but I am going to do a post on my favorite things. It is so easy to get caught up in our busy lives, especially as we get older and start taking on responsibilities, that we forget to take pleasure in the simple things in life that once upon a time filled our childlike minds with joy. And so, I have decided to remind myself of the many things that make me happy.

* Bright colored or sparkly stuff - When I see something that is bright colored or sparkles, I cant help looking at it, touching it, and holding it up to the light.

* Celtic knots

* The perfect cup of tea (and coffee)

* Baby animals, especially kittens, puppies and goats

* Finding a new song that just seems to touch that special place in my heart, and then playing it over and over and over and over again

* Lilacs!!!!! Simply the smell of those heavenly flowers makes me happy

* When I draw something and it actually comes out looking the way I wanted it to or even better

* Finding a beautiful picture that transports me into another world

* Finding really old books at thrift stores for really cheap prices!

* Being able to afford those books

* Quotes

* When somebody has read the same book I have and loved it as much as I did and then we spend hours talking and debating about it

* Leather, bead, rope, rock, shell or wood jewelry

* Rain! I love the rain, especially when my room is clean. Then I like to have tea and either read or write.

* Finding pictures or models that represent certain characters

* Riding a horse. I spent a summer when I was 17 working for a rancher in return for him letting me ride his horses. There is nothing that can compare to the feeling of being on the horse, of galloping her into the wind...

What are some of your favorite things? When was the last time you stopped your busy life to simply take the time to stop and smell that heavenly lilac that is beside the sidewalk?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Battle for Rivendell

I found this song/poem a couple of years ago (in fact I don't even remember finding it) and have just recently re-discovered it in my files a couple of days ago. It is about a student/apprentice and his teacher. I'll warn you, reading it made my cry. It is sadly beautiful.

Song: Dagor Imladris
(Translation of Elvish: "The Battle of Rivendell")
This song is about what happened when our valley was attacked by the hosts of Mordor.

I woke to the sound of the thunder of drums
And knew by the shoutin' that battle had come
To shatter the peace and the joy of our hall-
With harp in my hand, I can't fight them at all!

What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You say home and freedom are worth fighting for-
That you'll have a share in them, fight all the more.

My master said, "Stay," as he girt on his sword.
He taught me to sing and to live by my word,
But if that's the last word of his that I hear
The lessons he gave are a gift far too dear!

What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You said home and loved ones are worth fighting for-
To live, my dear master, please fight all the more.

I went to the healers to help as I can,
For heroes are great, and small are my hands.
I saw things that day never learned in my art:
A shaft through the eye, and a spear through the heart.

What cost to the living, what cost to the dead,
For the food on my table, the roof o'er my head?
You say home and freedom are worth dying for-
That you'll have a share in them, fight all the more.

The Hall of Fire's burning, the river runs red
I cradled the dying, I sang to the dead,
But when the foe scattered they took me away.
I pray, my dear master, you outlived the day.

Give thanks to the living, give thanks to the dead,
For the food on your table, the roof o'er your head.
I sang as you taught me until my last breath,
For the love that you gave me was worth even death.

I hope you found that as beautiful as I did!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just a Short Update

As you have probably noticed, I have done some changing around on here... Including changing the name. It is now "Musings of an Inkheart" because it just seemed to be a little bit more of an authory name than "Whispers of the Wind". That was just a name that I put there because I couldn't think of anything better. Yesterday I was looking over at my Inkheart movie and the name simply dawned upon me. I am an Inkheart, not because my heart is as black as ink, but because Ink runs through my veins.

Oh, and while you're on here could you please leave a comment letting me know if this showed up on your dashboard? I played around with the web address a little bit before I thought better of it, and even though I changed it back, I am still a little worried. Thanks!

You Know You're a Writer When

Sorry if you already saw this post, but I accidentally deleted it while I was trying to delete a different one.


I found this funny list while I was going through some of my files on my computer and I thought I would share it with you..

You know you're a writer when...
  • You consider ink-stained fingers or a pencil in your hair badges of honor.
  • You drink coffee purely for the caffeine content.
  • You have at least seven large notebooks lying around with important tid-bits scribbled on their pages. You have yet to fill one completely.
  • You have several different movie soundtracks on your iPod to inspire you.
  • People look at you weird when you tell the voices in your head to be quiet "for one second!"
  • You have a bad experience and you try to figure out how to apply it to one of your characters.
  • You bounce up and down squealing when you come across a picture on the Internet that matches one of your characters. 
  • You would rather be chased by a dragon through a tar pit than be subject to yet another writer's block.
  • You willingly share your latest chapter with a perfect stranger, but mysteriously become tight-lipped when family asks what your story's about.
  • You do everything in your power to look like your main character – from styling your hair to buying articles of clothing – hoping it will lend you a better scope of your character.
  • You try to draw things from your story but tear your hair out when you see how miserably you've failed at capturing your imagination.
  • When it comes to a new idea, resistance is futile.


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