
The Reason I Write

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."
~Niel Gaiman~

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Book Questionaire

Hey, how is everyone! School has been awesome so far! I love it.

I stole this questionnaire from Celtic Traveler's blog because I love books, and I love to talk about them as much as possible. so, here you go!

1. Favorite childhood book?

The Hobbit and the Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

2. What are you reading right now?

The Republic by Plato, The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien, and The Hunger Games (again) by Suzanne Collins

3. What books do you have on request at the library?

The Stowaway by Karen Hesse, and The Book of Irish Verse by Montague 
4. What do you currently have checked out at the library?

The Warrior Princess by Frewin Jones, Encyclopedia of Ireland, The country cooking of Ireland, and All the Tea in China by Jane Orcutt (an AMAZING book)

5. Do you have an e-reader?

 No! I loathe e-readers with a passion. Some technology scares me, and it scares me even more when they mess around with my precious books.

But e-readers can be good for some people, though... I suppose... maybe...

6. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?

Usually no
more than two or three. One for school, one for once in a while, when I feel like reading something a little deeper (hence the Silmarillion) and one for fun

7. Can you read on the bus?

Yes, and in the car, and basically anywhere else I am!

8. Favorite place to read?

On my bed usually, unless it is summer, then I go out to the garden.

9. Do you ever dog-ear books?

Yes, I do. I put down and pick up my book so often and in so many different places that it is impossible to keep a bookmark with me.

10. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?

 No! Never!
11. What makes you love a book?

How do you expect me to answer that!!! There is so much to love in a book! The characters, the world, the intricate twists and turns of the plot, and I could go on and on!

12. What will inspire you to recommend a book?

If I absolutely love it.
And as one fellow, (I cant remember his name), once said, "You know a truly good book when you turn the last page and feel as if you have lost a close friend"

13. Favorite genre?

Historical fiction and Fantasy (and sometimes the occasional classic, if I am in the right mood)! That basically sums up everything I read!

14. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?

If I post a negative review, it is only so that others who come behind me can know what could be objectionable in the book. I would never simply leave a negative review just to be negative.

15. Favorite Poet?

Oh, I don't know! I guess I would have to say Tolkien. He was after all, my first introduction to Poetry in the first place, and everything I like seems to be his style. Brian Jacques in a close runner up.

16. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?

Usually around 15, but their not ALL fiction! There are always a few cookbooks and such there too!

17. How often have you returned books to the library unread?

Often I am afraid. Sometimes I will get a book, but the next day I am no longer in the mood to read them.

18. Favorite fictional character?

I should have known you would ask me something like this!!! It is an impossibly close tie between Aragorn and Thorin Oakenshield. I first met Thorin when I was around 7, and so he is more sentimental and closely tied to my childhood memories, but Aragorn has also been one of my favorites since around the age 9 or so. It is hard to beat those childhood heroes.

19. Favorite fictional villain?

Oh dear. I would say that my favorite villain is my own, Falcon, but I don't think he would qualify. And so, let's see... I would have to say Guy Vexille
from the book The Archer's Tale, by Bernard Cornwell (not a recommended book, but he is an awesome villain).

20. Books I’m most likely to bring on vacation?

Probably whatever I am reading and depending on how long I am staying, anywhere between 5 to 10 others. Probably including the Lord of the Rings set, The first two Rangers Apprentice, the Hunger Games, and a few I have grabbed in the library to suit the purpose.

21. The longest I’ve gone without reading.

3 months, but only because I was grounded from reading as a punishment for something or another, (I don't even remember what it was, only how tragic the punishment was).

22. Name a book that you could/would not finish.

Not to pick on any of you Jane Austin fans, but I once tried to read Pride an Prejudice and could not even get through the first chapter. I got so bored that I put it down and have never picked it up again, and never really intend to. Although I have still managed to collect a few of her books.

23. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?

Once i start reading, I enter the world of the book so thoroughly that I have been known to read right through somebody coming up to talk to me, and even call my name a few times. Once I was reading in the car and I didn't even notice that we had arrived home. One of my siblings came out about 10 minutes later to tell me to get out of the car. 

24. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?

Lord of the Rings of course! And then Narnia. I hope the Hunger Games movie comes out as good as those two did.

25. Most disappointing film adaptation?

I would have to agree with Celtic Traveler. Inkheart was the most disappointing film. I saw Inkheart long before I read the book
and loved it. But after I read the book and then saw the movie again, I could not believe how much they missed!!! I still love the movie though.

26. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?

There is not a lot that can make me stop reading a book, but, of course I always try to choose good books in the first place. Immoral scenes, getting too deep into other religions (to where in starts getting uncomfortable), and general weirdness are usually something that stops me from finishing the book. Or of course there is the option that it is just plain boring. That would stop me too.

27. Do you like to keep your books organized?

Ah, generally, yes. It is hard when you have them stacked all over your room, but yes, I usually manage to keep them neat. 

28. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?

Keep. I find it hard to give away even books I didn't like, especially if it is a really old book. 

Well, there you have it! I got to talk about my books, hope you enjoyed listening. and now I am off to bed.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Horizon

I find myself looking forward to next Monday with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. As I stand at the edge of the unknown, I find myself wanting to stay within sight of familiar territory, and yet I also am longing for the excitement of exploring the new horizon, the thrill of discovery, the adventure of the unknown.

What is this grand adventure of which you speak, you may ask. Well, I'll tell you. Next Monday, January 9, 2012, I begin Collage. I have been homeschooled my whole life, and so not only will this be a new horizon to me, but a whole new world1

Will I be able to fit in, or will all of the big city folks sneer and snicker at this quiet country girl? Will I make the grade? Will I make a friend? I hope so. What if I get lost? What if I don't understand the Math or Sciences they teach? But what if I do? There are so many unanswered questions, but I guess that is the adventure of the unknown. You get to find, and make, the answers to these questions, step by step.

And so I look forward to the next few months and years with anticipation. What will the future hold?



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