
The Reason I Write

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."
~Niel Gaiman~

Thursday, October 28, 2010

2 tags from Eldarwen!

I got tagged by Eldarwen!
Here we go!

1) What picture does your calendar have for the month of October? My calender has a picture of the Stonehenge in Ireland (It is an Irish calender).

two-- What are three things that you can grab from where you're sitting? A brown coffee cup with an orange maple leaf on it, A baseball cap with our website logo on it, and my camera.

three-- What is something that you've been collecting since you were really young...and sometimes think to yourself 'hm...I'm kind of outgrown for this', but just can't stop? I have been collecting poetry for as long as I can remember, but I don't necessarily think I am too old for that. Hmm, I collect books like crazy, but you can never get too old for books. Yikes, this is a hard one! Ok, I got it, up untill a few years ago I still liked to collect stuffed animals, I have them all packed away now.

four-- Something that you absolutely...DISLIKE that everyone else seems to love: Green olives!!! DIS-GUS-TING!

five-- What was the last movie you watched? The Musketeer

It is a wonderful movie and is mostly clean, (it only has a scene in it when someone is trying to spy on Francisca bathing, but there is boards in the way).

six-- Who was the last person you hugged? My mum. I don't really hug anyone else.

seven-- What is your favorite meal to cook? How can I choose a favorite!!! I LOVE to cook, so almost every meal is my favorite! Lets see, I am really good at baked chicken and mashed potatoes, but the easiest recipe I know it spaghetti, and I love easy recipes!

eight-- What kind of sheets are on your bed right now? (texture, pattern/color, etc.) They're plain sage green.

Now for the next one!

one-- What time do you wake up each morning? Why? Our family wakes up at five every morning except Saturday. As my dad say's:

"Early to bed, Early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

two-- You've just woken up, and you're thirsty. You fix yourself a glass of.... Water, then coffee

three-- Where do you go to school? What do you like/dislike about it? I'm Homeschooled and loven it! Actually I graduated last summer, but I still loves homeschooling! I wouldn't change a thing!

four-- How many siblings do you have? What are their names and ages (if you're allowed to share)? Dakota is 16, going on 17 in November, ShawNee is 12, Kiowa is 10, Sequoia is 9, and Ukiyah is 1.

five-- What is your favorite game to play with your family? Bible Challenge! and Apples to apples.

six-- What's the silliest thing you've ever done with your siblings, cousins or any other family member? Would you do it again if you could? I don't know??? Our family is rather serious, probably the silliest thing we'v done is when Dakota and I will spend forever quoting a whole movie.

seven-- What's your favorite game to play with your friends? Our friends have a bunch of big flat rocks on their property, so one of our favorite games to play at their house is rock tag, everyone has to stay on the rocks and not get tagged.

eight-- If you could meet one person in the whole wide world (who's currently alive), who would it be? Why would you want to meet that person? What would you say to them? Probably Peter Jackson, IDK, I'v never really thought about it. I would tell him what a good job he did on the LOTR, and that I want him to do the Hobbit!

nine-- If you could meet one person in the whole wide world (from the past), who would it be? Why would you want to meet that person? What would you say to them? Oh, how could you ask me that!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!! Only one person!?!?! IMPOSSIBLE!!!! Who? William Wallace, Elizabeth 1, Thomas Jefferson, Robert the Bruce, George Washington? I could go on forever! If I could only choose ONE, than I suppose it would be.... Elizabeth 1. She has always been one of my favorites.

ten-- What is your favorite way to worship God? Singing, dancing, playing an instrument, praying, fasting? I love to sing for God! I love singing, and using it to worship Him except that I sound awful when I do it.

eleven-- "God cares about the little things of life." Do you agree? Can you give specific examples of ways that God has shown Himself in the little things of your life? Yeah! I totaly agree! I can't exactly pin point any examples from my life, but I have seen it in other people's life's. I am always reading all kinds of books on missionary's and stuff and it's hard to miss.

twelve-- Is there a particular Bible verse that has stood out to you recently? Which verse and why? Colossians 3:23, because that means that we cant do any job only half way, unless that is the way you would do it for Jesus, and if He asked you to do something, you would most likely do it with a smile, right?

thirteen-- Your parents are out for the day, leaving you home alone (with your siblings). Then, your grandmother from out of state calls and says she'll be there in fifteen minutes. (She wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow) What do you do? Welcome them in, offer tea, and talk to them until mum and dad return.

fourteen-- Have you ever traveled out of country? Why did you go? No, I haven't. But I most certainly will someday!!! Preferably to Europe or Africa or India, or... :D

fifteen-- What sport do you play and what do you enjoy about it? I don't play sports, nor do I have even the slightest interest in them.

sixteen-- Do you like cats or dogs better? If neither, specify: CATS!!!! Cats Rule, Dogs drool!

seventeen-- Country or city? Country! I would shrivel up and die in the city. I'm a country girl all the way!!!

eighteen-- Cowboy hat or prairie bonnet? Cowboy hat. Not one of the big goofy ones though, a cute one, preferably made of straw.

nineteen-- Flipflops or tennis shoes? Flipflops, totally! :D

twenty-- Do you like my (Bleah Briann's) blog? Yes, I do!

Well, that's all for today folks!


Eldarwen said...

Awesome! Thanks for doing the tag! :):):)


Ellyn said...

I wish I could get up at 5! :P The best I can do is 5:45 and sometimes I sleep in. How do you do it?

P.S. Cats TOTALLY rule!


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