
The Reason I Write

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."
~Niel Gaiman~

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A blog parade

Rebecca Jane over at sewing from the past is having a blog parade, so, click HERE to enter!

All you have to do is write down the ten things that makes you most happy, so, here I go, (I always start a tag that way):

1) Riding Horses

2) Archery

3) Anything Medieval

4) Writing stories

5) Reading

6) Cats

7) Poetry

8) Music

9) Beautiful dresses

10) My family

Well, it is far past my bed time, so I need to go now.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog Party!

I am joining Bleah's blog party! If she gets 100 people to answer these questions she is going to have a giveaway!!! So everyone, JOIN!!!

So, here I go!

1) Justin Beiber or Adam Young? Honestly, I don't have a clue who either of those are. Actors? Singers? Not a clue!

2) Prince of Peace or Lord of Lords (trick question)? *haha* Prince of Peace

3) Peaches or Apricots? Peaches for sure!

4) Blogger or Facebook? Blogger. My mom has a Facebook, and I don't think I would like it very much.

5) Myspace or Twitter? I am not sure what either of them are. I think my dad has a Twitter for our website, but I am not certain, but I have not really herd much about Myspace. (As you can tell, I have been rather sheltered when it comes to the internet, but that is alright!)

6) Computers or cell phones? Computers for sure!!! I don't know what I would do without a computer! Besides, I hate talking on the phone!

7) Dating or Waiting? WAITING! (I am reading "I Kissed Dating Goodby" by Joshua Harris)

8) Peaches and Cream or Strawberry Shortcake? Strawberry Shortcake! YUM!

9) Stripes or Polka dots? It depends. If it is on a shirt, stripes, if it is on a skirt, polka dots.

10) Pink or blue? Blue!

11) Black or white? Black!

12) Skirts or shorts? SKIRTS!!!

13) Jeans or slacks? JEANS!!! I have always disliked slacks with passion!

14) Sneakers or flats? I love both for different reasons. If I am dressing up, flats, if I am going to do a lot of walking/running then I like sneakers.

15) Sandals or flip flops? Flip flops

16) Once upon a time or the end? Once upon a time

17) History or mathematics? HISTORY!!! Math makes even doing the dishes sound pleasant (btw, I HATE doing the dishes)!

18) Awards or tags? Tags! I LOVE tags!

19) Ballet or soccer? I have never had much interest in either, but I would probably prefer soccer.

20) Keyboard or Pen and Paper? I love both, but for time and convenience's sake, the keyboard

21) E-mail of hand written letters? Hand written letters!

22) Candles or flashlights? I love candles. There is nothing like candlelight!

23) TV or books? Books!!! "I find TV to be very educational, every time it is turned on I go to the other room and read a book" ~Unknown~

2 4) Action or Romance? Action for sure! Although, I don't mind if their is a touch of romance.

25) Cats or dogs? Most definitely cats, although I do like dogs it they are the right ones.

26) More questions or stop now? What kind of question is that???

Ok, now I invite all of my followers to join the blog party! Remember, if we get 100 people to answer questions there will be a giveaway! So, hop on over to Bleah's Blog and join the party!

I need to go work in our garden now.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some of my favorite movies

Well, I thought that to help you to get to know me a little better, I would post about something I love, and I LOVE movies! Here are a few of my favorites. I added cautions to the ones that have... inappropriate scenes in them.

The Lord of the Rings
This is my favorite movie (or set of movies rather) EVER!!! My dad says that I choose odd characters as my favorites, but that is alright, I love them anyway!

~Here is one of my favorites, Elrond!~

~And another, Aragorn!~

~And another, Eomar!~

And Another! Haldir!~

A wonderful movie, though the ending is a bit sad. This movie is a must see!

Pendragon; Sword of his Father
Wow! What a movie!!! When my family and I first watched it we had already herd that it was done by homeschoolers, and we were hoping for better, but expecting a B rated movie. Well, were we in for a surprise! This movie is AWSOME!!!

Princess of Thieves
This is a movie about Robin Hood's Daughter, Gwyn. Robin is imprisoned by Prince John while on a mission to put the dying King Richard's son, Philip on the throne. It then falls to Gwyn to keep Philip alive and rescue her father.

~Gwyn and Philip~

~Robin Hood~

Chronicles of Narnia: The lion the witch and the wardrobe
What can I say? Who doesn't love Narnia?

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Our whole family can basically quote this whole movie! We love it! We skip the scene with the Witch and the Warewolf.

This is a good movie by Mel Gibson. I love Scotland and Scottish history.

Content Warning!!! There is a few scenes with nudity in them that we always skip, so either get an edited version or be prepared to skip. There is also a lot of blood shown, (Always unnecessary, no mater what the movie is).

The Patriot
Another one of Mel Gibson's good movies.

The Three Musketeers
This is a hilarious movie, but our family only watches it when the boy's are out of the house, because there are some ladies that wear there shirts unnecessarily low, and if you are anything like us, you'll feel like taking a sharpie marker to the TV screen! Other than that, it is a good movie!

Kingdom of Heaven
I love this movie! It is about a blacksmith who finds out that he is a crusader's son and follows his father to Jerusalem, (The Kingdom of Heaven), where his father dies. Balian is then thrust into his father's position, and very quickly gains the king's respect, but he also makes enemies. It is a great movie!

Content Warning!!! There is one scene with nudity in it that we always skip, so either get an edited version or be prepared to skip. There is also a lot of blood shown, (Always unnecessary, no mater what the movie is).

~Father and Son~

~The leper king of Jerusalem~

~The King's sister~

Well, I hope you enjoyed that as much as I enjoyed writing it! I need to go to bed now.



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