
The Reason I Write

"Everybody has a secret world inside of them. All of the people of the world, I mean everybody. No matter how dull and boring they are on the outside, inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds. Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe."
~Niel Gaiman~

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

For lack of anything else at the moment

Several of my characters have been rebelling lately and my plot has been tying it's self in knots, and so, as a result, my story has been doing a lot of changing around. So now, for lack of something better to post, I am going to re-do a tag I did in March, just for the fun of seeing how much has changed. I will leave my old answers there in Italics for comparison.

1. What’s your word count?
Currently 'tis exactly 1,541, but I plan on changing that today.
It is 218 now. I told you my story changed alot!
2. How long until you finish?

I have not the faintest idea!

3. If you have finished, how long did it take you?
unfortunately I haven't finished.

4. Do you have an outline?
Yes, but it changes all the time
Yes I do. My dad/editor made me write it all out on paper. 

5. Do you have a plot? 
I'm coming to realize, to my alarm, that I don't have one, or at lest not much of one.
Yes I do, and it is very rebellious.

6. How many words do you typically write a day?
It depends on what type of scene I am typing. If it is a fight, alot (never counted them) and if it is a slow boring scene, sometimes I'm lucky if I make it to ten.
I wrote two yesterday!

7. What was your greatest word count in one day?
Not a clue!?!?! the last one I COUNTED, was 543, but I am sure I've done more that that.
1,003, and it turned out AWESOME!!!!!!

8. What was your least impressive word count in one day?
Three words.
Two now.

9. What inspired you to write?
"If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad."- Lord Byron.
I first found out that I loved writing when I was around 10, when my grandma asked my brother Dakota and I to write a short story for a homeschool project. I have been writing ever since.
Unless I can change my past, that answer will always be the same.

10. Does your novel/story have a theme song?
Hmmm, I've never really thought about that before, it would be kind of fun!
It has a few, but the only one that comes to mind right now is "The Blood of Cu Chulainn" by Jeff & Mychael Danna

11. Assign each of your major characters a theme song.
Maybe I will, if I ever manage to find the time to do it.
Well, I have one for Flint now as you saw in the last post.

12. Which character is most like you?
Well. the character that is me, Arries, is most like me.
That and my main character Evelyn is changing, and becoming a bit more like me.

13. Which character would you most likely be friends with?
Evelyn, my main character. Her fiery personality would do well with my quiet, watchful one.
Yes, and now a new character that has just barged her way into my imagination.

14. Do you have a Gary-Stu or Mary Sue character?
Still, Huh????

15. Who is your favorite character in your novel?
I couldn't pick a favorite to save my life! I LOVE them all! (yes, even my bad guys).
At the moment (note of caution to reader: at the moment means it could change at any time without warning) my favor in bouncing between Falcon (who just grew more evil than even I had hoped for), Flint (who is altogether wonderful) and Soryn (a little imp who has wormed his way into my heart).

16. Have your characters ever done something completely unexpected?
No, I don't believe they have. This must be remedied!
*weary sigh* Why did I ever write the above quote?!?!? I used to have tame characters! Here are just a few of the unexpected twists; Falcon is now the head of a secret brotherhood as well as warlord, Flint just let me know that he got married a century ago and had a daughter, I now have an upstart trying to usurp Falcons place as head of the brotherhood, Falcon's apprentice has become the most dangerous and feared assassin alive and Falcon's greatest tool, Evelyn has switched mentors on me, Arries is now a master spy, Ev has an uncle who was supposed to be dead, And of all things, Evelyn has switched her name on me!!! It is now Rowen.

17. Have you based any of your novel directly on personal experiences?
Most certainly.
Yes again!

18. Do you believe in plot bunnies?
YES! They forever torment me!
*Screams in torment and pulls on hair* I love them, really, I do.

19. Is there magic in your novel/story?
Not a bit, unless elves and dragons are magical.
Still holding to that one.

20. Are any holidays celebrated in your novel/story?
No holidays, but there is a coronation and two weddings in the end.
Just the usual village dances, two coronations, a joyous reunion of a certain king and his long lost people, and one wedding.

21. Does anyone die?
Does anyone die? What kind of question is that? I would be a disgrace to all writers and have to hide in shame for the rest of my life if no one died. It is a story of treason, treachery and good eventually overcoming, OF COURSE PEOPLE DIE!!!
With the addition of the secret brotherhood even more people die than before.

22. How many cups of coffee/tea have you consumed during your writing experience?
Far too many to count! You must have a cup of tea, coffee, or hot chocolate if you are writing on a cold day!
Tea and ink is the blood of an author, and coffee is life giving.

23. What is the latest you have stayed up writing?

I am not supposed to to stay up past 10:30, but I stay up until exactly then quite often!
I stayed awake until 11:30 on accident a couple of weeks ago

24. What is the best line?Let's go with the opening line, because I love mine, and it sets the mood for the entire story. "The day had been dark and threatening, and now, a few hours past noon, the storm broke with a tremendous crash of thunder. In just a few moments torrents of water began flowing through the now deserted streets of the small coastal town of Radcliff. The usually busy market in the town center was now strangely still. Not a sound could be heard, save the rain splattering on the rooftops and in the barren streets. Suddenly, above the mournful howl of the wind, a sound could be heard. Hoofbeats." 

I'll leave it at that for now.

25. What is the worst line?
Far too many to count
Still so.

26. Have you dreamed about your novel/story or its characters?
Oh yes. Many times! I have come up with some of my best scenes that way.
Yes, they torment me even in my sleep.

27. Does your novel rely heavily on allegory?

28. Summarize your novel/story in under fifteen words.
Oh dear. *sighs*. Ok, here it goes, "A girls father is captured. Girl sets out to find him and saves the kingdom."
That will have to do.

29. Do you love all your characters?
Yes, even my bad guys, though Jon does get anoying sometimes, and Skree can be very crabby.

Most of the time.

30. Have you done something sadistic or cruel to your characters specifically to increase your word count?
Absolutely! In fact, I just recently decided to add a scene where Atokad and Soryn (who hate each other) get captured and put in a gladiator fight!
Did I ever mention that Evelyn, excuse me, *looks nervously over shoulder* Rowan gets chased through the fog by five of the secret brotherhood?

31. What was the last thing your main character ate?
uh... a bowl of clam chowder, a piece of freshly baked bread and a mug of hot apple cider at a local tavern.

32. Describe your main character in three words.
fiery, strong, intelligent.
Stubborn, level-headed, intellegent

33. What would your antagonist dress up as for Halloween?
He would simply be himself for halloween. His sly, charming self and he would charm all of the children trick or treating at his door into coming in,
 with his easy smile and soft voice. It would be the last the parents would see of their children until several years later when they see them in his army.
I asked him and he said he likes my description above.

34. Does anyone in your story go to a place of worship?
I'm not certain, I have considered it, but have not made up my mind.
Sir James lives in a monastery with some monks.

35. How many romantic relationships take place in your novel/story?
There are three, but they are NOT in ANY WAY the sentimental, gushy talks under the moon, ect. The first one doesn't even go through, it was all a scam.
That one remains the same.

36. Are there any explosions in your novel/story?
Oh YES!!! Soryn and Atokad (now friends) blow up an assassin stronghold as part of the diversion for their escape!
Yes, Soryn and Atokad love explosions. Or should I say Soryn loves explosions and Atokad has to go along for the ride.

37. Is there an apocalypse in your novel/story?

38. Does your novel take place in a post-apocalyptic world?

39. Are there zombies, vampires or werewolves in your novel/story?
Absolutely NOT! the worst I have is Dragons. The last two creatures remind me of a certain disgrace to storydom that I would rather be chased by a dragon through a tar pit than to have my story resemble in any way.
And yes, that "certain disgrace to storydom that I would rather be chased by a dragon through a tar pit than have my story resemble in any way" is the Twilight saga. *shudders*

40. Are there witches, wizards or mythological creatures/figures in your novel/story?
As I said before, the most mythological creatures I have are Dragons, Dwarves, and Elves.
That remains the same.

41. Is anyone reincarnated?

42. Is anyone physically ailed?
Uh, no... not yet anyways.
Yes actually, I have a princess who is mute, and I have an elf who was blinded.

43. Is anyone mentally ill?
If I said yes I'd be chased through the house by several of my characters with sticks. *whispers* yes a few of them are a little uh... crazy.

44. Does anyone have swine flu?
No. Silly question. 
It is still a silly question.

45. Who has pets in your novel and what are they?

Everyone of course has their horses, and then Falcon, (my antagonist) has a black cat.
I am cosidering giving either Ev- er... Rowan or Arries a wolf they raised from a pup.

46. Are there angels, demons, or any religious references/figures in your novel/story?
If men could be demons, the secret brotherhood would certainly be them.

47. How about political figures? 
Not really.
Well, I have a usurper king who marries the mute princess for her right to the throne, a betrayed prince, a king who is supposed to be dead, ect... ect...

48. Is there incessant drinking?
Well, that depends on what you mean by incessant. Rowan lives in a coastal town, they go aboard a ship, Falcon favors wine, and they visit a few taverns on their journey. There is drinking in all of those instances.

49. Are there board games? If so, which ones?
They are too busy saving the world to play a board game.

50. Are there any dream sequences?

51. Is there humor?
I hope.

52. Is there tragedy?
YES! What would a story be without tragedy?!?!?!
Oh yes. Authors thrive on creating tragedy.

53. Does anyone have a temper tantrum?
Perhaps Falcon when he finds out that Brogan has escaped with prince Ragnar. (it is very unlike him to loose his temper, but he does this once.)
Soryn has quite the temper, and he and Atokad get in a couple of brawls over it. When Falcon loses his temper it is the type of temper tantrum where he throws his wine glass at the wall and then begins scheming on how to make the offender miserable.

54. How many characters end up single at the end of your novel/story?
Too many to count.
There is a war in my story, and unfortunately, good men die and their families are left alone.

55. Is anyone in your novel/story adopted?
No, not so far.
Soryn does kind of become like a brother to Atokad and a son to Atokad's father, and since he has no family of his own...

56. Does anyone in your novel/story wear glasses?
No, they didn't have glasses in the medieval days.

57. Has your novel/story provided insight about your life?
No. Not as of yet.

58. Your personality?
A bit.

59. Has your novel/story inspired anyone?
LOL, probably not.

No one has read it.

60. How many people have asked to read your novel/story?
Only my Brother Dakota, my Dad, and my best friend. No one else hardly even knows it exists because I don't talk about it to anyone.
Still the same

61. Have you drawn any of your characters?
Tried; failed. Miserably.
I got a decent picture of Atokad's father, but it is from a distance, so I didn't have to do the face.

62. Has anyone drawn your characters for you?
No, *snif*

63. Does anyone vomit in your novel/story?
I'm seriously considering it. Sea sickness and all that!

64. Does anyone bleed in your novel/story?
Really, if people die, of course they bleed. I also have bleeding characters that don't die.
Of course!

65. Do any of your characters watch TV?
NO, NO, NO!!!
Now that would be weird, wouldn't it?

66. What size shoe does your main character wear?
I don't care and neither should you. ;-)
I don't pay attention to that sort of thing.

67. Do any of the characters in your novel/story use a computer?
In the medieval days?!?!? You've got to be kidding me.
Oh, I can just see it; Flint, the Elvin king, sitting in the courtyard typing away on a laptop while his men practice their archery.

68. How would you react if your novel/story was erased entirely?
Run through the house screaming and crying hystericaly. I probably wouldn't re-write it for another few years. Or if I did, it would be completely different.

You are cruel. Very cruel.

69. Did you cry at killing off any of your characters?
No, though I was very sad.
No, of course not. What would make you think *sniff* that I would *sniff* cry killing one of my *sniff* characters *bursts into tears* I'm so sorry *******. I love you, really I do, it's just... I had to! You understand, don't you? *more sobbing*

70. Did you cheer when killing off one of your characters?
Uh... no. I've never hated any of them that badly.
Maybe when Jon dies. I can't stand that guy. He's a perfectly cowardly, snobbish, cruel villain.

71. What advice would you give to a fellow writer?
I tell my sister all the time If you would be able to write a successful story you must read, read, read.
That and that your story won't write it's self.

72. Describe your ending in three words.
Peace is restored.
Happily ever after

73. Are there any love triangles, squares, hexagons, etc.?
No. *shudders*
Absolutely not! (what are they anyway?)

74. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the least stressful, 10 being the most) how does your stress rank?
About my story, at this moment? Around 3.
A 7, no, an 8.
75. Was it worth it?

The tag? Maybe. It's helped me reevaluate my story. The story? I sure hope so!
The tag is fun the story is great!

Wow, alot has changed!!! I need to go make breakfast now. Fare thee well my friends.


P.S. I know things turned out uneven and large spaces where they are not supposed to be. I really hate writing in blogger for that reason. there is no way to get it right.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Flint's Theme Song

I don't have much time but I had to post this. I have found the theme song for Flint, the lost king of the elves, (the once friend of Falcon that was mentioned in the last post).

At least that helps you get a feel of him.

P.S. Don't forget to turn the music at the bottom of the blog off.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Conversations with my Antagonist

Well, I thought I would introduce my antagonist, Falcon to y'all.

Arries: What's your favorite color?
Falcon: The colors of the forest; greens, browns, soft blues and reds, ect.

Arries: What race are you, Human, Elvin, Dwarvin?
Falcon: (chuckles softly) I am two races actually, the two you would never expect.
Arries: Well, it's obvious by your appearance that you're Elvin.
Falcon: (smiles encouragingly) Very observant Arries, but the part you are not expecting, is that my father is a Dwarf.
Arries: Wow! How'd that happen
Falcon: (smiles, but it never quite reaches his eyes) That, my friend, is another story for another day.

Arries: Do you love anyone?
Falcon: I loved my mother.

Arries: Do you trust anyone?
Falcon: (scowls) No. I did once, long ago, but I was betrayed. Lets talk about something else.
Arries: Ok.

Arries: What is your greatest wish?
Falcon: (smiles again) To extend my kingdom into Laudomia, and overthrow their cowardly, treacherous king. Oh, and I almost forgot, (he smiles coldly) to catch, torture and kill Flint.
Arries: (a little confused) Isn't Flint your childhood friend?
Falcon: (narrows eyes at me) Yes he was. Untill the day he betrayed me.

Arries: Okay, okay, so who is your best friend?
Falcon: I don't have one. (see's me about to ask) But if I did, the closest thing to one would be my apprentice, Niki.

Arries: (recognizes she's on dangerous ground) So, What are your hobbies?
Falcon: Oh, the usual, hanging out in my library, riding over the countryside, and, of course, planning my attack on Laudomia.

Arries: What is your eye color?
Falcon: Really, you're sitting right in front of me, and you can't see that?
Arries: Come on Falcon, You know people are listening.
Falcon: Black. Oh, and by the way, let's stick to the simple questions so that I am not envisioning how I can kill you.
Arries: That's not very nice, but, what ever you say. 

Arries: Are you having fun answering these questions?

Falcon: (sighs and leans back in his chair, swirling his wine in the glass) Of course! I always love getting to know people.

Arries: What is your favorite element? 
Falcon: for myself, gold. For others, (smiles cheerfully) fire.

Arries: What will you do after your done here? 
Falcon: I have a meeting with my general to see if he has located my... trusted betrayer above mentioned. 

Arries: Well my Lord, I believe I have used up enough of your valuable time, and so I will let you go now.
Falcon: (smiles brightly) well, thank you! Oh, by the way, I have had a feast prepared in honor of your visit, would you care to join us? 
Arries: O course, I will be right there!

Arries: (whispers behind hand as soon as he leaves) Isn't he wonderful!!!
I know, I know, treasonous thoughts indeed. Just don't tell Flint, and all should be well.

Well, I've got a feast to attend, I dare not be late.



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